Saturday, June 24, 2023

Jungian Ecopsychology presentation at the Aspen Global Change Institute


I just discovered that a major presentation I gave on Jungian ecopsychology at the Aspen Global Change Institute is on YouTube. The conference theme was “Exploring the Boundaries of Nature-- A Reflective Dialogue on the Environment” and the 27 participants included psychologists, educators, environmentalists, journalists, writers, filmmakers, scientists, theologians, a politician and a businessman.


My talk is 32 minutes long followed by a half hour of discussion. By 2006 I had finished the first draft of my 4 volumes of The Dairy Farmer’s Guide to the Universe—Jung, Hermes, and Ecopsychology. This is my most condensed version of Jungian ecopsychology including Jung’s Answer to Job and Hermes as god of ecopsychology, Jung, Winnicott and complexity theory. I was rushing through the first several minutes but slowed down a bit later on.